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S. Das & N. Roy | Study of Quintessence and Phantom Models Through General Parametrization of H(z)
Nandan Roy | Generalized Tracker Quintessence Models for Dark Energy
What is Quintessence ? How Quintessence explain Dark Energy ? || Quintessence Vs. Dark Energy ?
How Quintessence field talking to Dark Matter that produces cosmic acceleration
What is Quintessence? Quintessence Lecture Series
Quintessence for the Steep Potential | Center Manifold Theorem in Cosmology
Testing models beyond ΛCDM by Sudipta Das
Olga Avsajanishvili | Cosmological Scalar Field ϕCDM Models
What is a Tachyon field? How can a Tachyon explain inflation and Dark Energy?
AoTATX #20: Dark Energy by MC Quintessence
Thomas Colas - Cosmological Master Equations
[APCTP LECTURE] Testing dark energy models with atom interferometry|Prof. Clare Burrage